(created May 18, 2009)
Tru Davies (Eliza Dushku) is a young woman working the night shift at the city morgue. Occasionally, a corpse of a newly dead person appears to awaken and utter the words "Help me" to her. As they do, Tru re-wakens at the beginning of the same day, finding herself compelled to stop the death, which may be the result of anything from suicide to murder. In the course of the do-over day, Tru often takes the opportunity to rectify various personal situations involving family and friends. Supporting characters in the series include Harrison Davies (Shawn Reaves), Tru's irresponsible younger brother, and Davis (Zach Galifianakis), her friend and supervisor at the Morgue.
Supporting characters surviving only a portion of the series included Meredith Davies (Jessica Collins), Tru's older sister; Lindsay Walker (A. J. Cook), her best friend in the first season; Luc Johnston (Matthew Bomer), her main love interest in the first season. Jack Harper (Jason Preistly), a counterpart to Tru's character, is introduced midway through season 1 as a foil. He is there to make sure fate gets its way and introduces a philosophical aspect to Tru's endeavors: should she be saving the lives of people who may have been intended to die? In the second season, Tru and Jack compete to get to a person first — she to save them, and he to restore the order of fate and maintain the balance of the universe as he understands it.
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